Jonathan Franklin wrote “A Wild Idea….Saving South American Wildlands”, an unauthorized biography of Doug Tompkins which was wildly inaccurate and offensive to those who knew Doug. Franklin interviewed me after telling me Doug had authorized the biography and, regrettably, I spoke with him by phone before checking with Doug. He also broke several promises to me in the process of getting his book published and when it was I decided not to read it. When a review of “A Wild Idea” was published in The Atlantic I was deeply annoyed. I wrote a letter to the editor which was never published or even acknowledged that it was received. Here is the letter:

            “Michael O’Donnell’s unwarranted assault on Doug Tompkins and his life, intentions and legacy disguised as a review of Jonathan Franklin’s unauthorized biography of Doug is a disgrace to The Atlantic. In addition to O’Donnell’s malicious ignorance of Doug’s person, there are some glaring factual errors that anyone who knew Doug will note. I have not read Franklin’s book, though I am quoted in it, so I do not know whether those errors were copied from the book or if O’Donnell invented them. Either way, that The Atlantic copy editing process missed them is extremely disappointing.

            “That the review appeared in the August 2021 issue, as the hottest month in the world’s history since records have been kept ended, is ironic enough to note that O’Donnell’s review contained one accurate sentence: “History may well thank him for preserving as much wilderness as he could before it was too late.” As I write this from Bozeman, Montana where the smoke from the burning of western America is dangerous to breathe and the air quality index today is 10 times above safe levels, I join history and millions of other humans and the uncountable flora and fauna of Earth in thanking Doug Tompkins. Thanks, Doug. You are not forgotten.

            “O’Donnell’s ignorant diatribe ends with this observation about Doug: “….a bit more self-reflection might have done him—and all of us—good.” Doug Tompkins was among the most self-reflective people I have ever known, so I disagree. But I respectfully suggest that O’Donnell turn that observation on himself, and pay attention.”


Dick Dorworth


  1. Palms joined with thanks for your discerning eye, dear Dick!

    I so appreciate your take on such things.

    Hope all is well in your world – stay inside as much as possible until the rains come!


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