



Terry Tempest Williams book “Erosion”, Salman Rushdie’s “Languages of Truth” and HH Dalai Lama’s “A Call for Revolution” for a wider perspective of humanity and Mother Earth and “The Ministry for the Future” by Kim Stanley Robinson for the more anthropocentric attitude.


The Earth is somewhere around 4,500,000,000 years old. Humans and their ancestors have been walking around the planet for about 6 million of those years. Homo sapiens in its modern form evolved 300,000 years ago from Homo erectus. Human civilizations started forming around 6,000 years ago. That is, the Earth has been here a lot longer than the first ancestors of modern humans or any human civilizations, and any and all platitudes that proclaim Earth was created and exists for human life are delusionary at best. The notion that Homo sapiens are the highest form of life, superior to every other form of flora and fauna on Earth, is hubristic madness.

            Many, many, many life forms have come and vanished on Earth during those 4,500,000,000 years, some of them recently, alas, because of the anthropocentric actions of mankind growing out of his/her swollen-headed hubristic fantasy that Earth is a resource instead of a mother of all life, not just human life. Many people, including two old friends, Doug Tompkins and Yvon Chouinard, have done their best to address this fallacy. Check this: https://www.tompkinsconservation.org/ and this: https://www.patagonia.com/ownership/  even knowing it would not be enough. Doing the right thing for the right reasons has a value that endures beyond the action in the moment. May we all do as well, that is our best.

            Each time I have rafted the Colorado River down the Grand Canyon, at its narrowest point (56 feet) I have run my hand along the Vishnu Schist (the oldest exposed rock on Earth, several billion years old years old) and something about its smoothness and density and color communicates the relativity of its age and mine, and one of the ways that I have learned to (or at least choose to) think about that relativity is that a human life is like a snowflake falling on its journey to its source which never ends or an Aspen leaf that grows from a larger dynamic, has a life which ends falling from its tree in a return to that larger dynamic that never (so far) ends and of which the Earth is as small a part as a snowflake is to the Earth.

            And this is not new information. In the 18th century Thomas Malthus wrote this: https://evolution.berkeley.edu/the-history-of-evolutionary-thought/pre-1800/the-ecology-of-human-populations-thomas-malthus/

            The population of Earth when Malthus issued his warning was around one billion people. In 1900 the population was about 1,600,000,000. By 1960 it had grown to 3,034,949,748. By 2000 it was 6,143,493,823 and today it is more than 8,000,000,000.

            Mother Earth cannot sustain that many people, nor shall it for much longer (one of my grandsons is of the opinion that humanity will be gone in 50 years).

            The best each of us can do is to live each moment mindfully with the right intention, the right thought and the right action, all with love and compassion and a smile.

Alan Cranston


During the drought years of the mid-1970s I taught skiing in Squaw Valley, California. One consequence of the drought was that there was no snow on the bottom of the mountain. At the end of the day’s skiing everyone rode the 120 passenger tram back down the mountain. It was always packed. On one of those rides during Christmas vacation 1975 I wound up eyeball to eyeball with a pleasant, balding, distinguished looking gentleman who I had never seen but whose self-assurance was both evident and appealing. We began chatting and he said his name was Alan. I noticed we were being monitored by several people around us, something I attributed to the incongruity of our respective appearances—a distinguished looking gentleman and a ski instructor with shoulder length hair and a beard to mid-chest. I later surmised that I was the only person in the car who didn’t know who he was. When we reached the bottom we were enjoying our conversation and did not want to end it. He asked what I was doing. I was going to the sauna, a favorite practice after a cold day on the mountain. He asked if it would be alright to join me and of course it was.

            We sweated and talked of many things for quite some time before I got around to asking what he did for a living. “I’m a United States Senator,” he replied with the gleeful smile of one who enjoys a good sandbag. He was Alan Cranston, U.S. Senator from California. To say I was surprised is an understatement and we had a good laugh at my expense. Cranston turned out to be one of those rare political animals more interested in people than in having people interested in him. He was curious about me and how I managed a non-mainstream lifestyle light years different than his. At the time I was a single father raising my four year old son Jason, earning our living by teaching and coaching skiing, guiding climbing, occasionally selling a piece of writing, giving slide shows of various outdoor adventures and, when desperate, the occasional construction stint. He said he wanted to know how and where I lived and he invited himself to dinner at my house, to which I happily agreed. He showed up the next night, took off his shoes, stretched out on the floor in front of the Franklin stove and made himself at home. We ate and drank wine and talked until late that night and began a friendship that greatly enriched my life and gave me some perspective on the world of power and high end politics, and, therefore, more tools with which to live my own American life. A few nights later he came to dinner again with his son Kim and a friend, Ginger Harmon (who later was one of the founders of the great environmental activist group Great Old Broads For Wilderness). Once again we ate, drank wine and talked about many things until late in the night.

            Cranston had been an outstanding track and field athlete at Stanford University from which he graduated with a degree in journalism. (At the age of 55 he set a world record for his age in the 100 yard dash, and he kept himself fit and healthy until his death at the age of 86 on the last day of 2000.) We remained friends until he died. Sometime around 1990 he came to Aspen where I was working. We skied and dined and conversed together as always, but I had made some significant changes in my life—–I had shaved and cut my hair and had quit a lifetime practice (habit) of drinking and drugging to excess, and at dinners Alan drank wine and I drank water. At one dinner he said, “Dick, in many ways it’s hard for me to recognize you without all that hair……..until you start talking, and then it’s the same person.” He worked as a journalist in Ethiopia and Italy in the years before World War II. Because he believed Americans did not properly understand what Adolph Hitler was really about, Cranston translated and, with William Hearst’s help, published Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” into English, an act for which he was successfully sued by Hitler for copyright infringement and was forced to stop publishing, but not before the book had sold half a million copies. He also incurred the wrath of Mussolini for his journalism, which in itself is a good indication that his work was accurate. He entered politics because, as he put it, “I wanted to be in the middle of the action and not just writing about it.”

            It takes a certain sort of person to relish the middle of the action in the political world, and Alan was that kind of man. Born to the trade, one might say. In my opinion Cranston was a superb politician because he was a fine man of integrity and an intelligent, independent thinker. I don’t say this because I agreed with his worldview and his politics, which I did (and do). I think John McCain, for instance, was a fine politician, as is Liz Cheney (unlike her despicable father), whose politics and worldviews I do not embrace. Politics in a democracy is rough, unsanitary and, according to Alan Cranston, self-regulating. I often think of a couple of things he told me about the political world, and, despite the Charles Keating scandal which tarnished the end of his political career, I think he had it mostly right.

            He said that a good politician “always aims here,” pointing to the level of his head, “knowing in advance he’ll only get here,” pointing to his waist,” or, maybe, with luck, here,” pointing to mid-chest height, “but if he doesn’t try for here,” pointing again to his head, “he’ll wind up with here,” pointing to his ankles.”

            Cranston viewed politics as the art of compromise in pursuit of the middle path that most benefits the most people, not to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

            He perceived political power in America as a pendulum. That is, it is a mistake, folly really, for political power to get too far to the right or too far to the left because, he said, it always eventually swings back just as far in the opposite direction and that such extreme oscillation is unstable and dangerous to both the citizenry and its government. He had that right.

            Alan’s pendulum analogy is apt in today’s far (one might reasonably even say far a field) right political policies that are destabilizing America. It’s worth considering what caused it to swing so far to the right in the first place, for (one can hope) it’s about to start its inevitable move to the left any election now. At the time I met Alan I had grown disheartened with America’s politics and, among other things, the Viet Nam war and had not voted in the past couple of elections. After knowing him and talking over a few late night dinners I re-registered to vote and have done so ever since.

            One of my jobs in those days was working for Squaw Valley’s Jean Pierre (J.P.) Pascal as a ski racing coach at a camp in Bariloche, Argentina for the month of August, summer in the northern hemisphere, winter in the south. The job paid well and I always made extra cash selling used skis for more than they were worth because of the Argentine tariffs on imported skis. However, in February of 1975 with the help of the United States and the Gerald Ford administration, particularly the CIA and Henry Kissinger, the democratically elected government headed by Isabel Peron was overthrown in a coup d’etat and replaced by a military dictatorship governed by Jorge Rafael Videla. By then my country had, with the active involvement of the CIA, Kissinger and the U.S. Ambassador to Chile Nathaniel Davis, already disgraced itself and the concept of democracy by staging the overthrow of the democratically elected government headed by Jorge Allende in Chile, replacing it with the military government of Augusto Pinochet. The two military dictatorships were among the most brutal and murderous regimes in modern history, and my country created them. Think of that. And read Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine.”

            I first visited Chile at the age of 19 in 1958 and in the ensuing years had spent considerable time in both Chile and Argentina and had many friends in both countries which felt like second homes. That the U.S. had turned both these fine nations into military dictatorships was a nightmare for its citizens, hundreds of thousands of whom simply ‘disappeared’, many of them unloaded while alive from airplanes above the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The arrest, public torture and brutal assassination of Chile’s most popular and beloved folk singer Victor Jara as well as the suspected murder (it has never been proven) of Nobel Prize winner poet Pablo Neruda, galvanized the world in opposition to Pinochet. So…..it was frightening and disheartening when my country orchestrated Videla’s vicious dictatorial takeover of Argentina’s democracy.

            And some of the consequences were immediately evident when six months later we stepped off the plane in Buenos Aires on our way to Bariloche to ski. Teen-aged boys in military costume holding automatic weapons, their eyes and faces filled with hatred, anger and fear, were scattered throughout the Buenos Aires airport and, after we had changed planes, in Bariloche, both at the airport and in town. Not surprisingly, though at first I was surprised, those of us with long hair and beards were immediate objects of focus, for all that hair represented to both soldiers and hairy ones…………personal and social freedom, threats to dictators and their lackeys.

            This from my journal of August 8, 1975:

            Hotel Los Pinos—Bariloche. My old room #7. Night after dinner. Jackson Browne on the sound box, Kenny (Kenny Corrock an old friend and fellow coach at the camp was my roommate) cruising around. A very different feeling than last year. I am very happy.

            Last night an amazing thing happened. After dinner I worked on the coyote piece and talked with Helene. Then Kenny, Ryan (Meldrum, a ski racer from Salt Lake) and I went down to the Munich where I used to sit and write in 1968 to have a beer. We had one stein of beer, and Ryan had a hamburger. About midnight we walked outside to go home. Two police cars, a meat wagon and about 20 police with loaded machine guns were cruising down the streets. Like flaming ass-holes with toadstools for brains we stood on the corner to see what was up, instead of going back in and hiding in the last booth. The pigs asked us for our documents, which, of course, we didn’t have. So we were herded into the meat wagon, one of them letting me have it in the kidneys with his night stick.

            Four others in the wagon, a large, barred jail on wheels with a bench along each side, a window at the back, one into the driver’s compartment and one on each side—all able to be slid open. One pig with a machine gun stayed inside with us. He was about 20 to 25 years old, smooth skinned, Indian descent; flat, cold, black eyes and a cigarette hanging from his fat lips. He smoked constantly, but allowed no one else to smoke. No one was allowed to talk, but he tried to be friendly with his charges; and, sad to say, a few motherfuckers tried to kiss his ass, expecting I know not what in return. His buddies stopped people in the street and went into the cafes and bars frequented by the poor and the workers; they didn’t, I couldn’t help notice, go into any of the ‘higher’ class establishments; the fuckers only hassled poor buggers with no power. We cruised down Mitre and the lads with the machine guns picked up many people along the way—including 3 young girls (17-18) who were in Bariloche on vacation with a Catholic Girls school. One spoke English and had been to N.Y. 3 times. They were scared. The macho with cigarette and machine gun played on their fear. One of the guys outside had a cigarette in his mouth the entire time—-unlit.

            As soon as the night stick was repeatedly jabbed into my kidneys I knew I would have to tread lightly to avoid having the shit kicked out of me. I did, but I pushed it as hard as I could feel it was possible to get away with. (I did not include it in my journal, but I pissed blood for 3 days and nights afterwards, which indicated that the night stick’s holder had been well-trained.)

            Kenny was worried. My appearance almost asks for shit, and we have talked about it. He thought we might be in for a bad time.

            I thought about the bullshit involved; and about justice; and the military mind; and I thought a bit about ignorance and stupidity, for the men with the guns and uniforms were as stupid and ignorant as any I have ever seen. Men whose bodies have been deprived of proper protein all their lives, their brains shorted on ideas or education or imagination or confidence; their spirits beaten by a system they will never understand—potential Einsteins and Beethovens and Picassos and Gandhi reduced to cretins by—-what?—-their brother human beings. And so, at the same time I am in a rage about what they are doing to us; at their stupidness; their blind power games; their insensitiveness to their own danger; I know their helplessness—they are victims, not the motivating force. They are more used than those of us in the meat wagon. Still, I am in a rage and doing whatever to vibe them into shame with themselves.

            But none of that means shit. The owner of the Munich Bar with whom we had been talking saw us get busted. He ran out and yelled to us that he would go to Los Pinos. So, while the machos arrested people criminal enough not to carry identification we cruised down Mitre in the meat wagon.

—-(The next day)

            We knew we were okay, so long as we didn’t make any silly moves as we were surely tempted to do. But, still, you can never be too sure, and those fuckers with the machine guns had all the cards. Makes me appreciate and sympathize more than ever with the Jews in Germany, the Blacks and Chicanos in America and any leftist left in Chile.

            Before we were half way down Mitre Jean Pierre was outside—grinning, waving and yelling encouragement to us. He had our passports but they had to take us to jail. So we made friends with the 3 scared girls and laid our best vibe on the shitheads and watched very carefully.

            The shithead got on my case when I talked to J.P. through the window.

            When we got to the jail across from the P.O., all thirty of us, we were herded into a tiny room where the only one of the pigs who knew how to read and write took our names  into an enormous black book filled with names. A pissed off nun came to take the 3 girls away. (I didn’t include it in my journal but one of my all time fun experiences was watching the officer in charge being verbally abused and clearly chastened by that nun in a very loud and aggressive voice and manner for arresting teen aged girls. The officer had no response except an obvious shame, and I was both proud and some envious of the nun.) Several of us were herded into a courtyard under the stars and told to wait. I made friends with an Argentine who spoke French and we both agreed the whole matter was ‘degolas,’ that word I learned so long ago in St. Tropez from Nicole.

            Finally we got called in for a conference with the chief pig, J.P. and the owner of the Munich. After much babbling in Spanish which I didn’t bother to follow—being into laying down the vibe—they let us go.

            J.P. had threatened to call the French and U.S. Embassies and to create an international incident over it. He also told them I was a famous writer and would be sure to write about it. So we were free at 2 a.m. with nothing lost except a little sleep and a great deal of awareness gained. The Munich owner drove us home. He owns a solid block of tourist downtown Bariloche, and he implored me not to ‘write anything bad about us.’ He has said the same thing each time he sees me. Yesterday he bought my ski boots and he said it again. He doesn’t know that I know he’s an ex-cop. So fuck him. Fuck him anyway.

            What I think is that the country is just about to come apart. The U.S. $ is worth 80 pesos right now (as compared to 18 a year ago), and the people are ready for a change. The military/police would like to be in charge of that change, which looks like it will be soon. The trip we got involved in was a move to show power and instill fear, the classic way of the pig.

            At any rate, now we go downtown with passports. This country is very weird right now, and not likely to get any better for awhile. But the skiing is wonderful.

               In 1968 I had another experience of looking in the eye of another angry young soldier filled with hatred and fear who was pointing a machine gun at me while I was in a sleeping bag on the ground. I described it in my book “Night Driving”:

Cartagena—the heroic city, yesterday’s queen of the sea is farther north than Panama. A sad, interesting place, full of memories and history and the vibes of the Spanish lust and greed that founded Cartagena, the same that made short work of the Inca and Aztec civilizations. We spent part of a day walking around, waiting for the car to be brought up from the bowels of the ship; as soon as the car was on the dock we got on the road, and we didn’t want to stop until we reached a place called Playas, in Ecuador, where Chouinard, the surfing expert, informed us Mike Doyle had reported excellent surfing and sympathetic surfing people.

And so it came to be; but not without a more-than-fifty-hour grind, making only the minimum necessary human and mechanical pit stops of life on the road. There were two reasons for our haste: first, we wanted the Pacific surf; and, second, in those days the reputations of the bandits who lived in roving bands in the mountains of Columbia did not instill confidence in the peaceful, unarmed traveler. Indeed, a week after we passed through a bus on the same road was stopped by one of these bands, and more than twenty people were reported shot. Not too long before that drive, we had been surrounded by an army patrol in the hills near Antigua, Guatemala; the soldiers kept us covered with submachine guns and vibes that could turn blood to ice, especially those from one fellow who had the aim on Yvon and I—the first human being I had ever seen who l knew wanted badly, deeply and truly, to kill me.

Did you see that dude’s eyes?” Yvon asked me after they had left.

Yup, sure did.”

They’d kept us wondering if we had driven our last mile until we could convince them that we were only tourists, not “revolutionaries” (i.e. CIA) and, for sure, only passing through. Two weeks after this incident, the U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala was machine gunned to death in his limousine in downtown Guatemala City while on his way home for lunch. We had heard other stories, including the one about my old schoolmate, Bob ‘Spade’ Moran, who, as it turned out, was a CIA agent and died as a consequence; he met his end with two shotgun blasts in the back while walking down the main street of a tiny Guatemalan town, from two local fellows who did the job for a hundred dollars. So we knew that insanity was real, and we suspected a full measure of it existed in the mountains of Columbia. That was our feeling, anyway, and one measure of saneness is the ability to listen to the music of the gut twanging away on the central nervous system.

I am reminded of the great writer Salmon Rushdie in his book “Languages of Truth”, written half a century after my journal entries, commenting on Kurt Vonnegut’s book “Slaughter House-Five”: “Vonnegut’s novel is about the inevitability of human violence, and what it does to the not-particularly violent human beings who get caught up in it. He knows that most human beings are not particularly violent. Or not more violent than children are. Give a child a machine gun and he may well use it. Which does not mean that children are particularly violent.

“World War II, as Vonnegut reminds us, was a children’s crusade.”

One of my dearest friends in Bariloche was a woman I’ll call Maria who we had met in 1968. She was the divorced mother of two sons and we had stayed in close touch in the intervening years. During our annual ski camp visits Maria hosted one or two or three dinner parties at her house which included gringo ski campers, family, Barilocheites and others who wandered into her orbit. There were often 10 to 15 people present for her feasts which were accompanied by fine Argentine wine and lasted late. We discussed many things, including the disaster of the military government and the daily challenges it presented to Argentine citizens in general and to those present in particular. Maria also sometimes accompanied us on our nighttime visits to the downtown bars. That is, she was publicly and clearly our friend.

Not long after we returned to the U.S. Maria was unexpectedly arrested, taken from her home and immediately confined to one of the notoriously harsh military prisons in Argentina as a threat to the nation because of her association with us. A month or two later she managed to smuggle a letter out of the prison telling me about her situation which I had not yet heard. She did not include details of anything, including how she managed to get the letter out, but she said it was really bad, she was really frightened and asked if there was there anything I might be able to do to help her. I immediately contacted Amnesty International for advice. They responded with the astute observation that the very worst thing would be to have my friend’s name associated with Amnesty International because, as with the echelons of power in every other military dictatorship in the world, Amnesty International was taboo. AI recommended that I contact my state representatives to the U.S. government. As it was, I had some direct connection to Senator Paul Laxalt, including being friends with his brother, the fine writer Bob Laxalt as well as with one of the senator’s personal assistants who was an old schoolmate. The disheartening response from the senator was to the effect that he could not interfere in the affairs of Argentina concerning an Argentine citizen who had broken Argentine law. Laxalt was among the most conservative senators in Washington during the administration that created the military dictatorship of Argentina, so I should not have been surprised. But I was.

During the 1975 Christmas vacation Alan Cranston visited as usual. We skied together and I told him about my jail time in Bariloche and about Maria, and, as usual, he came to my house for dinner and wine and conversation. He asked to see Maria’s letter. He read it and took some notes and said he’d look into the matter, and so he did. As near as I was able to determine the timing, about 12 hours after he returned to Washington, D.C. Maria was unexpectedly and without explanation released from prison and had a visa for the U.S. She soon was in the U.S. working in California.

All because a drought in the Sierra caused me to be in a crowded tram car face to face with Alan Cranston, who became my friend and is among the finest human beings I’ve known in a long life (84 years) of cherishing those friends. Thanks Alan.


Jonathan Franklin wrote “A Wild Idea….Saving South American Wildlands”, an unauthorized biography of Doug Tompkins which was wildly inaccurate and offensive to those who knew Doug. Franklin interviewed me after telling me Doug had authorized the biography and, regrettably, I spoke with him by phone before checking with Doug. He also broke several promises to me in the process of getting his book published and when it was I decided not to read it. When a review of “A Wild Idea” was published in The Atlantic I was deeply annoyed. I wrote a letter to the editor which was never published or even acknowledged that it was received. Here is the letter:

            “Michael O’Donnell’s unwarranted assault on Doug Tompkins and his life, intentions and legacy disguised as a review of Jonathan Franklin’s unauthorized biography of Doug is a disgrace to The Atlantic. In addition to O’Donnell’s malicious ignorance of Doug’s person, there are some glaring factual errors that anyone who knew Doug will note. I have not read Franklin’s book, though I am quoted in it, so I do not know whether those errors were copied from the book or if O’Donnell invented them. Either way, that The Atlantic copy editing process missed them is extremely disappointing.

            “That the review appeared in the August 2021 issue, as the hottest month in the world’s history since records have been kept ended, is ironic enough to note that O’Donnell’s review contained one accurate sentence: “History may well thank him for preserving as much wilderness as he could before it was too late.” As I write this from Bozeman, Montana where the smoke from the burning of western America is dangerous to breathe and the air quality index today is 10 times above safe levels, I join history and millions of other humans and the uncountable flora and fauna of Earth in thanking Doug Tompkins. Thanks, Doug. You are not forgotten.

            “O’Donnell’s ignorant diatribe ends with this observation about Doug: “….a bit more self-reflection might have done him—and all of us—good.” Doug Tompkins was among the most self-reflective people I have ever known, so I disagree. But I respectfully suggest that O’Donnell turn that observation on himself, and pay attention.”


Dick Dorworth


“Earth has no sorrow that Earth cannot heal.”
John Muir

Those words from Muir’s private journals, published more than 20 years after his death, are generally viewed through the anthropocentric lens that only sees the sorrows of humanity. I suggest that Muir meant exactly what he wrote, referring to the sorrows of Earth itself. When Muir was born in 1838 the population of the U.S. was 17 million (including 2.5 million slaves), and when he died in 1914 the U.S. population had grown to 100 million. Muir’s rambles through, love for, understanding of and influences on the Sierra Nevada need no introduction, and long before his death the deleterious impact of humanity on his favorite mountain range was obvious. And Muir, an avid reader and serious student of Thoreau, Wordsworth, Humboldt and Emerson, was likely aware of Thomas Malthus’ 1798 book “An Essay on the Principle of Population” in which he posits that human populations would continue to grow until stopped by disease, famine, war or calamity. Though he could not have foreseen such particular (and, to me and many others, personal) calamities as human caused climate change and today’s accelerating pollution of Lake Tahoe by algal growth, sediment erosion, eutrophication, cultural eutrophication, intentional and unintentional introduction of invasive fish, invertebrate and plant life, more than 220 years ago Malthus was aware that Planet Earth cannot support 8 billion human beings.
Throughout his life in America (he did not arrive in America from Scotland until he was 11 and not to California until he was nearly 30) he was an advocate for preserving the environment. Michael Turgeon writes, “As Muir grew older, his advocacy started translating into policy. Congress finally established Yosemite National Park in 1890, and Muir was instrumental in the formation of several other National Parks, including Sequoia and Grand Canyon. He soon co-founded the Sierra Club with the goal of furthering preservation and filling in the gaps left by government conservation work. And in 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt travelled to Yosemite to meet with Muir, in what is now seen as a seminal moment for American environmentalism.”
That seminal moment was not enough for America’s environment, including the Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe. A study by the University of California Davis titled “ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS FACING LAKE TAHOE” includes this:

Destruction of Wetlands

“Lake Tahoe historically had natural wetlands that acted as filtration systems to remove excess nutrients from stream water before the runoff would reach the lake. This is one of the many reasons for Lake Tahoe’s famously clear and pristine water. Unfortunately, the value of wetlands was not fully known prior to the heavy development that began in the mid-1950s. For example, the Tahoe Keys was built on one of the largest wetlands in the Lake Tahoe basin. Research has shown that the wetlands of South Lake Tahoe used to remove tons of sediment and nutrients. The detrimental impact of this development can be easily seen during heavy runoff when plumes of sediment cause the water to turn cloudy.”

Forest Health

“The numbers of dead and dying trees throughout Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada are increasing due to a combination of drought stress, insect attack and disease. This carries direct implications for fire safety, biological diversity and carbon sequestration.”

Lake Tahoe has never relinquished its place in mind or heart or spirit as my first real home as a child, though I have not lived there in many years. As I write these words in September 2021, the unprecedented fires of the Sierra, including the ones impacting Lake Tahoe and environs are raging, just as the UC Davis study predicted a few years earlier. And those predictions are a direct consequence of what Thomas Malthus predicted more than 220 years ago. I mean, difficult as it is to accept and understand, none of this is surprising. These excerpts from my essay “My First Mentor: The Sierra Nevada”* describe that first real home:

“I turned 8 in 1946 and my family, like millions of others, was putting itself back together after the emotional/mental/relationship traumas and dislocations of WWII. Each of us—Mom, Dad and I—lived apart and led three very different lives during that war. When it ended we reunited and moved to the Sierra, living in a series of small mountain cabins where there were few and often no neighbors in winter. My primary companions after school and before dinner with Mom and Dad were the skis I used to access my Sierra Nevada playground. Neither of my parents were skiers or much interested in the outdoor life, but they encouraged and supported me in those things I most wanted to do—ski in winter, wander in the woods and meadows and hike up some of the peaks in summer, swim in the lakes when warm enough and read while at home. That is to say, a significant amount of my time between the ages of 8 and 14 was solitary.
“Solitude can be an unspoiled mindset for the experience of learning and the Sierra Nevada is a perfect setting for that same experience. Timothy Leary coined the term ‘set and setting’ to describe a slightly different (though not so different as some might think) consciousness expanding experience in which “set” was the mindset of the participant and “setting” referred to the surrounding social environment. The Sierra was more often than not my solitary social habitat. I was a young adult before being exposed to the writings of Muir, Plato or Leary, but I knew the Range of Light illuminated my path through them……..
“As a boy and young man the Sierra Nevada was the center of the world in which I learned to play, explore, test my skills and limits to learn about myself, including gratitude for the gift of living amidst such beauty and bounty. Of the Sierra it has been said, “One is never alone or unobserved,” and this is how I have always felt in the mountains of the world during more than seven decades of mountain life……..
“I don’t remember Ernie Lee as a skier, but he was the all-year manager of a summer resort. Ernie knew the Sierra and its huge snowfalls intimately, and knew how to live safely with them. His daughter Michele and I attended the same one room school with 8 grades, 8 students and one teacher. When Ernie found out that I was regularly wandering around the mountains on skis alone at the age of 11, he went out of his way to alert me to the steepness of slopes that might avalanche, the different types of untracked snow and how they affect one’s ability to ski in control and other basics of the Sierra Nevada not immediately obvious to a young boy. Ernie emphasized that the pleasure and satisfaction of moving through snow was a blessing that carried inherent and often hidden dangers that were the responsibility of each individual, no matter how old or inexperienced.
“It took many years to reach a level of consciousness that embraced the responsibility that inescapably goes with caring for that blessing by noticing that the Range of Light was not so bright as in the days of Muir. The relationship was out of balance and had changed noticeably in just a couple of decades in the life of a young man who loved his home, respected his mentor and sought the light. Everyone who spends time in the mountains learns that the smallest detail of nature is connected to everything else — in this case, the entire Sierra Nevada and to one’s own well being and survival. I was troubled by some of the first shifts in the natural order that I found unacceptable. Clear mountain streams where we once freely and safely drank were no longer drinkable, and more than one of my favorite mountain lakes was visibly befouled and no longer pristine. Both of these unnatural alterations and many others everyone reading this knows from personal experience and spoken or written word revealed that the student was taking more than he was returning. Neglect the responsibility and the gift will gradually—so gradually that the changes pass unnoticed and become acceptable and normal—decay, become polluted, diminished and be treated as commodity rather than cornucopia. E coli, stormwater runoff, fertilizers, greenhouse gas emissions, animal waste, sediment and “nutrients” creating algae — these words describe concepts I had never before associated with lakes, streams, ponds, meadows, valleys and mountains of the Range of Light.”

Those early rambles, tumbles, plods and schusses in the mountains above Lake Tahoe remained with me throughout a long life of skiing, some of it in the backcountry of mountains of the world, most of them in western America. I had the good fortune to skin up and ski down mountains in China, Chile, Argentina, Europe, Canada and Alaska, and some of my most cherished experiences and memories of places and people are from those exotic adventures. Because of the ‘set and setting’ of those first skiing endeavors above Lake Tahoe, the snowpack and weather and climate of the Sierra (the most compassionate of any mountain range I know) and the pure allure of its skyline, Lake Tahoe’s mountains were always my favorite backcountry skiing. At the age of 83 my skiing is limited to lift serviced runs down runs groomed to carpet smoothness by machines that cost a million dollars and pump carbon dioxide into an already overheated atmosphere so that my old bones can continue enjoying what’s left of the beauty and bounty of the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere. I am grateful and at the same time recognize my complicity in the destruction of that for which I am grateful.
In May 2021 I was visiting friends and family and drove from Reno to Lake Tahoe over the Mt. Rose Highway, a favorite route I have traveled innumerable times. The sky was blue and the air crystal clear. I stopped at the Scenic Overlook on the west side to enjoy the view of what is still to me the most beautiful lake on Earth, so long as one is not close enough to perceive the personal and Lake Tahoe changes between childhood and old age noted above. As always, I was moved by the landscape and lake which are part of me and I of them, when unexpectedly tears were running down my face and I was filled with both gratitude and emotions of loss I do not know how to describe. I am not the weepy type and such experiences are rare for me, but I believe the tears were nostalgic ones of appreciation for a life lived as well as I could manage and my personal piece of mankind’s sorrow of the certainty that the Earth will indeed heal its own sorrows.



“Every day we are engaged in a miracle that we don’t even recognize: the blue sky, the white clouds, the green leaves, and the curious eyes of a child. All is a miracle.
“When we walk we’re not walking alone. Our parents and ancestors are walking with us. They’re present in every cell of our bodies. So each step that brings us healing and happiness also brings healing and happiness to our parents and ancestors. Every mindful step has the power to transform us and all our ancestors within us, including our animal, plant and mineral ancestors. We don’t walk for ourselves alone. When we walk, we walk for our family and for the whole world.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh “At Home in the World”

Many skiers are familiar with the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn because of his writing and activism during the Vietnam war, but the majority of skiers are not practitioners of Buddhism or familiar with the value it places on what is termed ‘a skilled mind.’ A basic Buddhism guide describes such capable awareness: “Essentially, according to Buddhist teachings, the ethical and moral principles are governed by examining whether a certain action, whether connected to body or speech is likely to be harmful to one’s self or to others and thereby avoiding any actions which are likely to be harmful. In Buddhism, there is much talk of a skilled mind. A mind that is skillful avoids actions that are likely to cause “suffering or remorse.” It may be a stretch for some to conflate the deliberate, well-placed step of walking with the faster movement of controlling the slide down a snow-covered slope on a pair of skis as equally mindful tools of healing, happiness and transformation for the whole world, but it is a stretch I am willing and obliged to make. More people walk than ski but we all carry our ancestors within, and the necessary control of the arc of the turn is as personally powerful as the placement of the foot and requires the same mindful attention to the present moment. Those who may posit that the act of skiing carries a greater inherent risk than that of walking have a point worth considering, but as a lifetime skier I am far less likely to encounter or cause harm skiing any slope I choose to ski than I would be on a leisurely walk alone in certain neighborhoods of any large city on earth, and, alas, most smaller cities and towns. That said, there are all too many skiers and walkers with unskilled minds, dangerously and obliviously unaware that they do not move alone on the paths and slopes of the world.
Each of us carries and is engaged with the miracle of sky, clouds, leaves, parents, children, ancestors, animals, plants and minerals of Earth with every breath and step we take and every turn we make—for ourselves, our family and the whole world. Every skier who has ever lived knows instinctively if not always intellectually that the act of skiing is transformative, but not every skier appreciates that none of us ski by or for ourselves alone. Stop alongside any blue, green, black or backcountry ski run in the country and observe the action, and I am confident you will notice a surprising number of skiers who seem oblivious to the skiers around them as more than impediments to the arc of their turn, completely unaware of the ancestors carried within. Perhaps you have literally encountered one of them. If so, I hope you both came away from the meeting unharmed, transformed and more mindful rather than in need of physical, emotional and karmic healing.
Common sense and modern science assures us that we do indeed carry our parents and ancestors within us. I like the idea which makes sense that engaging in action that brings healing and happiness to ourselves includes our parents and ancestors, and not just those connected by direct genetics as all things and every person are connected. Those for whom skiing is a major factor of life do not question the importance of engaging in it with a skilled mind.
Mindful skiers are aware that the miracle of skiing as we know it is unraveling in many different though connected ways. One indicator as obvious as and directly connected to the blue sky and white clouds is that in the last 40 years the average annual snowpack in the Western United States has dropped by 41% with a consequent shrinkage of 34 skiable days. This trend is expected to continue so that in 50 years the mountains of today’s Western American ski resorts will be brown in February. Ski resorts around the world are closing because of lack of reliable snow. Another thread in the fabric of the undoing of skiing is the economic reality of recent decades that fewer and fewer citizens of the world can afford to ski, and the rate of new skiers entering the sport is declining. The inequality of the world’s economic reality (especially in the United States), the diminishing snowpack and the subtle changes in the blue sky and white clouds and the unequivocal environmental crises are as interconnected as the parents, children, ancestors, animals, plants and minerals of Earth. These same dynamics are evident everywhere on Earth and all signs are that they will only increase, not diminish. That is, the untying of the miracle of the Earth’s environment and the inequality of its human economy are as woven together as all our ancestors and, it needs emphasizing, descendants.
Our parents and ancestors are walking and skiing with us, and so are all our descendants, including our plant, animal and mineral ones. Humans with unskilled minds have for far too long treated the Earth as commodity and market rather than cornucopia and miracle, and the consequences of such greed based carelessness are obvious everywhere on earth and do not need more description. It is going to get worse and humans are not going to heal the Earth. In the process of healing itself it is possible and very likely probable that the Earth will rid itself of humans, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.
What we can do for ourselves is take each step and make every turn on skis with a skillful mind bringing healing and happiness to each of us and all our ancestors in the present moment. And if that’s all we can do, why not do it?



A 90 Minute Ski Film by Mike Marvin
Reviewed by Dick Dorworth
First published in Mountain Gazette 50 years ago

Most films about skiing longer than 30 minutes traditionally fall into the Warren Miller mold, which need not be described here. The few exceptions have focused on racing, such as Dick Barrymore’s The Secret Race and Paul Ryan’s Ski Racer. Avoiding hanging his film on some peg like racing or the Miller format, Mike Marvin, with Earth Rider, has refreshingly ignored the traditions.
The plot is deceptively simple — three guys traveling around the country in a van looking for good skiing. The three skiers, Bob Stokes, Dick Tash and Steve Hunt are different types of skiers, none of them my kind of skier. Stokes, clearly the best of the three, leads the show through the best powder available in such places as Jackson Hole, Grand Targhee, Aspen, Vail, Bear Valley and Squaw Valley.
The photography and editing is well done and fast moving. Good skiing is good skiing. And people who move around are always good subject matter. But none of these is enough to hold together a truly remarkable film experience, held together by three aspects of the film. First, there is Mike Marvin, who produced, directed, filmed, edited, chose the music and personally narrates it whenever and wherever he can show it. Mostly this has been in bars and on college campuses, but things are slowly picking up for Earth Rider and there have been some packed-house auditorium showings. Marvin has shown his film some 180 times around the Western U.S. He wrote of his film, “I wanted it to be not only the most unusual ski film ever done, but the best. It would have everything that the ski audience (the aficionados) would expect from it, but not too much of any one thing. Additionally, it would be based on a dramatic story, believable to and acceptable by the average moviegoer.” In other words, Marvin had a concept. He is reaching for the non-skiing audience in somewhat the way Bruce Brown went for the non-surfers and non-motorcyclists in The Endless Summer and On Any Sunday. His concept works. His personal narration is really good, though he makes too ample use of the put down.
The second reason the film works is that he’s the second ski filmmaker (Paul Ryan was the first) to use music as an integral part of the film. Listenable music anyway. The music by guitarist Leo Kottke and singer-guitarist John Stewart is given to the audience on a four track stereo system. As a Kottke fan, I can tell you it is one fine listening experience. Stewart, an ex-Kingston Trioer, sings some of his own material, including the title song and an amazing piece called “Crazy.”
Which brings us to the third reason this is a film to see — Rick Sylvester skiing off El Capitan. According to the film script, Marvin and his skiers encounter Sylvester at Bear Valley in the spring, just as they are out of the money needed to continue their journey and finish the film. Sylvester lays this incredible dream he has upon their heads — to ski off El Cap with a parachute and capture the experience on film. Marvin backs off until Sylvester says, “And I’ve got $10,000.00 to back it up.” At which point Marvin says, “Lead on!” In actuality, Sylvester was involved in the film from the beginning, owns 24 percent of it, put up much of the money for it, and was scheduled to play a more important role than he, in fact, did. Though the facts are forever lost in the enmity that grew up during the making of the film (and obvious in the film) between Sylvester and Marvin, Sylvester was supposed to be the star of the show; and, in a certain sense, that’s the way it worked out.
Among those who know him, Sylvester is not famous for respect or consideration for the people who try to be his friends, nor is he a master of the art of rational thought, but he is intense. Oh, yes indeed, he is one intense dude. This means that whatever Sylvester is doing he is doing very hard, and with little thought or attention devoted outside the point at hand. I mean, any man who needs to ski off El Cap in order to make a statement about himself is not following the middle path and he is going to have his problems with the people around him, and Sylvester does. However, this intensity has gotten him both up and down El Cap in one piece, up several other fine climbs, and both the Eiger and Everest are in Sylvester’s dreams. Stewart’s song, “Crazy” is used as part of explaining Sylvester’s personality at the right moment in the film. Though there is a voice track that is purported to be Sylvester expounding the philosophy and motives behind the jump, the voice is not Sylvester’s and the words can only be a guess at his philosophy.
What Marvin does with the great El Cap caper is one of the strongest, most beautiful film experiences I have ever known. The build up to the jump is stock drama fare, but extremely powerful. When Sylvester finally gets ready to begin his inrun, the viewer can hardly believe he’s really going to do it. While in the inrun he nearly falls (he is going about 60mph, and he is not a strong skier), and the thought of dribbling over the edge of a 3400 foot cliff must have given Sylvester an extra adrenalin rush that kept him on his feet. And then he goes off the edge of El Capitan. Can you imagine? He actually goes over the edge. The wind which continually moves up the wall from the warmer valley floor knocks him right over backwards. Marvin had several differently positioned cameras on this project, and he shows Rick going over the edge over and over and over. And it just blows your mind. Then there is a shot from above showing Rick falling, falling, like a stone except that he is not a stone but a human being, one of our brothers, with a heart and brain and blood and flesh and failings and hang ups, like the rest of us though maybe more intense. As he falls into the beautiful Yosemite Valley the realization comes of just how close to the edge Sylvester has had to put himself. And all personal feelings, thoughts and knowledge about Sylvester are suddenly stripped away, leaving only the fact of Rick’s outrageous statement. He pulled it off, and all there is to say is: “Chapeau! Hats off to you, Sylvester. May you find peace on the edge, though I do not think it is out there.”


Last ski season Sun Valley’s 59 year old Mark Pattison skinned up Bald Mountain 45 times as part of the training regimen of his quest to become the first NFL player to reach the top of the highest summits on each of the seven continents. He had already climbed the first six and his intention was to finish the endeavor with Everest and within 24 hours summit its neighbor Lhotse (4th highest mountain on Earth), a twofer that fewer than 40 people have accomplished. He left Sun Valley for Nepal in March and spent two months of preparation and acclimation on Everest.
Covid has had a serious impact on Nepalese society, both rich and poor, including former king Gyanendra and his wife Komal. And Covid seriously impacted climbers on Everest last season. Though for political and economic reasons Nepal’s government has denied it, trekking guides say at least 100 people climbers and guides tested positive at Everest base camp last season. Garrett Madison, who guided Pattison’s team, told the Seattle Times, “Most of our team of foreign climbers were vaccinated, but not all. None of our Nepal staff was vaccinated — our Sherpas and cooks and porters. (Vaccines are not widely available in Nepal.) We had to be very careful for them.”
Pattison was extremely lucky early in the expedition when he fell 10 feet off a ladder on an ice wall and was uninjured. Still, the whole experience took a toll on his health. He lost between 20 and 25 pounds because of the low protein freeze dried diet necessary on such climbs. He told the Times, “On summit day, I just had a little thing of granola and then I was throwing down candy bars the rest of the day. That’s just not the breakfast of champions to take on something like Mt. Everest.”
Nevertheless, on May 23rd Pattison left Camp 4 for the summit at 12:30 a.m. with Madison and the 10 members of his team composed of climbers from Norway, Ireland, Russia and Canada, including two females. Ten reached the summit. Along the way 75 year old Art Muir (no relation to John) joined their team and became the oldest American to reach the summit of Everest. Each had a Sherpa helper and several oxygen tanks. A 40 mph west wind blew tiny ice crystals left to right into Mark’s face and within an hour one of them had slashed his left eye and he was blind in that eye. (Fortunately, his eye recovered.) “I couldn’t believe how steep it was and how hard I was struggling because I hadn’t been able to eat enough that morning. Many times I considered quitting and turning around, and each time I thought about all the people who had been inspired (or had inspired) and been affected by my journey and got re-engaged to keep going. I knew I couldn’t quit as I know my daughter Emilia will never quit trying to overcome Epilepsy.
“As I slowly moved up the mountain, I kept hitting these famous points which have been documented in movies. As I climbed past dead bodies, it was a sober reminder that life is fragile and to focus on each step. Although my energy was low, my bigger concern was that I couldn’t see out of my left eye. On Everest you are connected to fixed lines, not other people. My ability to clip on and off became difficult and my Sherpa didn’t speak good English so he didn’t understand my need for help. At the end of the day I was able to summit, but not without the help of everyone who supported my goal and believed in me. As I was descending back to Camp 4 the idea of climbing Lhotse, the 4th highest mountain in the world suddenly didn’t matter as I knew I would have put my life in jeopardy. I completed what I set out to do.”
It took him 9 hours and 40 minutes to reach the summit from Camp 4 and 8 hours to get back down to Camp 4. He started the day with four oxygen bottles, and, he said, “I ran out of oxygen an hour before getting back to Camp 4 and then spent the night at 26,000 feet without supplemental oxygen. The next morning we started down and it was really hard to keep moving.”
He told the Times, “I knew that there could be a fatal outcome if I took on Lhotse. The goal was to get the record, to be the oldest guy to do that. (The twofer.) But at the end of the day, not only are my kids (Claudette and Emilia) important, I want to come back. My goal is to go up there and live and do it, not die trying to do some stupid record. It just didn’t become important in that moment. Before I went up there that morning it was very important, and as I was coming down it just became irrelevant and I didn’t care.”
Mark Pattison’s life has always been filled with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual struggles of lofty intentions and high achievement. Born, raised and schooled in Seattle, Washington, Pattison was an All American wide receiver as a junior at Roosevelt High School and as a quarterback his senior year. He was inducted into the High School Football Hall of Fame in 2005. He was an All American football player at the University of Washington under legendary coach Don James, playing in 2 Rose Bowls, 2 Aloha Bowls and 1 Orange Bowl in which he made the winning catch. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2016.
After college he played in the National Football League for five years, the first three with the New Orleans Saints and the last two with the Los Angeles Raiders. He described the move like this: “I had gone from New Orleans where I was playing, I was well-liked, I was a vital part of that team, and I went into free agency deals. I got double the money and signing bonus and I went back to Seattle. I thought that would be a great move, that was my hometown and that turned out to be the worst move ever. It just killed my spirits in terms of my love for the game. If I would have stayed in New Orleans, I know I would have played another two, three years for sure. It just didn’t play out that way.”
While growing up in Seattle he climbed extensively in the nearby Cascade Mountains, including Mount Rainier. He was also a lifetime skier like many Seattle skiers who eventually put down roots here after hundreds of visits to Sun Valley. Mark has been seriously physically active his entire life, and that did not end when he retired from football and moved back to Seattle with his wife and two daughters.
With the same energy he had devoted to football, he started three multi-million dollar businesses, guided by several old college friends who had stayed in Seattle. He said, “Mentorship from existing business guys in the Seattle community helped guide the way. My major in college was Political Science which was not much help, but I was able to ask, ‘Hey, am I doing it this way or that way.’ I kind of bounced around from people to people until I found my way, they were the guiding light.” His three businesses are a venture capital named Front Porch Classics, a marketing firm called Pattison Group and a tech company called Maven which will soon go public and owns Sports Illustrated where Mark is an executive. Those businesses took him to Los Angeles where he was living when, about ten years ago, he broke up with his wife of 24 years, the mother of his two daughters, and his father died. He said, “It was a very lonely existence. After a couple years of walking around the block, and just asking myself ‘how did I get here?’ one day I decided I needed to change my whole mindset and get unstuck. Since I stopped playing football, I never really stopped working out. Growing up in the Northwest, I climbed literally hundreds of times up in the mountains, various peaks like Mount Rainier, and most of the major mountains in the Northwest. I started to think about climbing. I had always been intrigued by the guys who had come before me, those that had been on Everest and some of these other crazy mountains. I did some research and I came up with the fact that no NFL player had ever climbed the Seven Summits. So, I said, ‘I’m going to be that guy.’ It really helped me get out of my fog.” As part of his climb out of the fog Pattison moved to Sun Valley, and the rest is history. Mark and his ex-wife Rene have two daughters, Claudette, who is 25, and Emilia who is 23. Emilia has epilepsy and Mark has written “….her journey to overcome epilepsy and live her life to the fullest has been 10 times harder than anything I have ever done.” A friendship with Ketchum’s Gary Vinagre, who is deeply involved with Higher Ground, led Mark to partner with Higher Ground to raise $56,972 (the combined height of Mt. Everest and Lhotse) to build awareness about epilepsy. He said, “In early 2020, we raised over $29,029 (the summit of Mt. EVEREST) to build awareness for the National Epilepsy Foundation so they can find cures to this disorder that for many, seem insurmountable.” Higher Ground and Mark Pattison are still raising money for and awareness of epilepsy and much more. The reader can follow Mark at https://www.markpattisonnfl.com


WARREN HARDING (June 18, 1924—February 27, 2002)

It had been nearly ten years since I’d seen him and the decade showed in his face and body and the way he moved. After all, it was the early 1990s and he was nearly 70 years old, alcoholic and with more difficult miles and adventures in that body than you could find in a climber’s library of hard-core adventure books. Some of his more hedonistic, non-climbing adventures wouldn’t make it into the American Alpine Club Library, of course, but Warren Harding lived for the experience, enjoyment and the adventure of the moment, not the solemnity of the library or the approval of the librarians. Still, he was among the greatest of American climbers and no matter what his intentions in the matter he is in all the climbing libraries, an irony neither lost on nor without relish for he whose wit and perspicacity were acute, even legendary.
I was climbing around Moab and there were rumors that Harding had moved from California to town but I couldn’t confirm them. But he heard I was around and came looking for me and left a phone number at the climbing store and a friend of a friend got the number to me and the next morning I phoned and soon found myself at the kitchen table of an unremarkable suburban Moab house in the company of Warren and his companion Alice Flomp. It never became clear to me why they had forsaken their beloved California for Moab, Utah, but in any case their sojourn in the desert didn’t last long. Perhaps a new start in life? Despite the decade’s wear and the distended belly on the shrinking frame of a hard drinking man nearing 70, he was easily recognizable. No one looked like Warren Harding. It was me who was tough for Warren to recognize. In the years since we’d last tipped wine glasses together I’d shorn a 13 year growth of beard and hair and retired from the drinking/drugging life and even had a full-time job half the year, though that would last only another half a year.
“Dick, you look like a fucking insurance salesman,” he commented.
“Warren, you look like an old, broken down climber,” I replied.
With those observations of the passage of time and its consequent changes duly noted, we picked up where we had left off without a missed beat. Warren missed very little and though he once famously wrote that he “….didn’t give a rat’s ass,” he did, though not enough to give his integrity to it.
Alice, twice Warren’s size on the horizontal plane, doted on him in a charming manner and the three of us sat at their table talking for a couple of hours, Alice and Warren sipping watered down white wine, me sipping watered down water. It was a delightful morning of conversation. We talked about mutual friends, climbing (of course), living in the desert, a not particularly difficult but thoroughly enjoyable snow climb we once did in winter up Castle Peak above Donner Summit, writing, writers, the vagaries of life, the follies of men and the pretentious pomposities of a select few of the self-important ones. As I had remembered, Warren’s humor, insight, wit and fierce independence of thought was more fun and enlightening than the more rigid and predictable views of some of his fundamentalist critics. True, a conversation with Warren, especially when the wine flowed, which was often, could be as unorthodox and unpredictable as the slide show/lecture on Yosemite big wall climbing he once gave at The Passage Bar and Restaurant in Truckee. He had put the slides together hurriedly and had not rehearsed his talk. It was a raucous full house that gathered in the Passage that early 1980s night and by the time Warren was ready to perform both audience and lecturer were primed, so to speak. The lights dimmed, the audience quieted, the first slide appeared on the screen, appropriately enough a beautiful shot of El Capitan, the Nose in profile. But the vertical slide had been inserted in the carousel horizontally and El Cap was lying on its side. “Whoops,” said Warren, “you’ll have to tilt your head to the side and you can see just as well.” Both Warren and the entire audience laughed, tilted their heads to the side while he led them through the first ascent of El Cap and more, much of it out of sequence. Many of the slides were shown backwards and others horizontal when they should have been vertical and vice-versa. His stories and photos jumped from climb to climb and era to era and back again with a seamless improvisational narrative that could only be pulled off by a master story-teller with a farcical bent. And, the thing was, in the end, after sufficient laughter, hooting, sidetracks and non sequiturs the audience had learned as much about Yosemite big wall climbing and climbers, the motivations that impelled them and the values they truly lived by as they would have gleaned from more traditional and stern accounts of the same climbs. But Harding’s audiences had a lot more fun and had to do a lot more thinking, though their necks and heads might be a bit stiff in the morning. That’s something of how a conversation at a kitchen table over watered down wine and watered down water could be with Warren Harding, and for the first couple of hours I thoroughly enjoyed it. But then the wine drowned the water and Warren began to repeat himself and lose track and not make even farcical sense any longer, and, you know, there’s nothing worse for an ex-drinker than trying to talk with an old drinking buddy who’s rounded the corner (usually around the third or fourth glass of wine) to irrelevant repetition and the meandering sidetrack of indefinite certainty, indecipherable allusions and elliptical elocution, especially when the ex-drinker is aware of the vast karmic debt of indecipherable allusions and elliptical elocution he does not remember but somehow knows he has incurred. Fortunately, Warren was generous of heart and not mean-spirited and often funny as hell even in the bag. I liked him very much and wanted to spend more time with the Warren of the first part of the day.
“Say,” I interrupted him in mid-sentence, “why don’t we go climbing?”
He stopped speaking and regarded me with a wild-ass look that was half incomprehension and half meeting a challenge. “No, no, I couldn’t do that. I don’t climb any more,” he said, his eyes drifting away from mine.
“Sure you could,” I insisted with a smile. “I know a spot right on the road where we can set up a top rope and the climbs are not hard and we’ll have a great time. We can do a few laps and have a workout. You’ll love it.”
“No no no, I’m doing good to climb out of bed in the morning,” he said, but I could see his interest was aroused.
Alice saw it too. “Warren, you should go climbing with Dick,” she encouraged. “That‘s a great idea. Yes, Warren, go climbing.”
An hour later we were at the School Room of Wall Street along the Colorado River, after a full 20 foot approach from my car parked just off Potash Road a few miles north of town. I set up top ropes on two routes in the 5.7—5.8 range. Warren had resurrected from his basement a ratty old harness and a tired looking pair of climbing shoes and he tied in and leapt upon the lovely sandstone of Utah with an impressive if initially shaky fervor. He struggled on the first lap and when he got down he wanted a break and a drink of water, which he got. He belayed me and then he took another lap on the same route and the improvement was notable. He began to move with the practiced if rusty grace of a battered 70 year old body that has spent its life climbing rock. As the memory of physical movement returned to a sobering brain, a different Warren Harding gradually emerged on the stone. The soul of the soul of the golden age of Yosemite big wall climbing of the 50s and 60s appeared with the merriment of having broken free from the concrete prison of time’s passage. It is hard to explain in words, though understandable without words to any climber, but the act of climbing transformed the man, a process that was obvious to the attentive observer. By the time he came down from the second lap Warren’s famous satanic visage was radiant. Warren Harding was a happy man.
“That was really fun,” he said. After a rest and some water we climbed some more. Over the next couple of hours we each did three or four laps on the top ropes. The first time he tried the 5.8 moves Warren fell off and hung a few times before getting up the route. The last time he went up he climbed the entire route without a slip, a hesitation or any observable undue strain or effort. He had the demeanor of just what he was, but definitely not so old or broken down as he had been a few hours earlier. After, as we pulled and coiled the ropes and packed up our gear he told me that it had been an “inspiring” afternoon and that he was going to start hiking and get back in shape. He was fired up at the prospect and I believed him and told him of some of the hikes I knew around Moab, like Negro Bill Canyon which I particularly liked. He commented that if he started hiking some he should be able to do some easy climbing around the area. I told him there were undoubtedly some local climbers who would be happy to show him around and do some climbing with him. All he had to do was go to the local climbing store and let it be known that he wanted to climb. We talked about getting together to climb the 5.6 route on South Six Shooter Peak in Indian Creek, an hour south of Moab. I told him that if he got himself in shape I’d love to drive over from Aspen where I was living at the time and do that climb with him. He said he was going to do just that, but in the way of old friends whose lives are on different trajectories, I never saw Warren again after that day. We spoke by phone a few times over those years but I don’t know that he hiked himself back into shape or ever climbed again. I hope he did.
When I drove Warren back to his house in Moab he was calm, even contemplative (he was also probably really fatigued), and I had the thought that he was a man who had been dragged out of retirement for an afternoon to do the work that he was meant to do, the work that defined his life and was in many ways the best part of that life, the work that gave him the deepest satisfaction and best insight into himself. Alice was happy to see him and Warren to see her, and my last view and memory of Warren Harding is that of a complex man who had beaten back his demons for an afternoon by nothing more complicated than battering them against a slab of sandstone above the Colorado River by Potash Road. He was calm, content and happy the last time I saw him.
I don’t know that Warren Harding could be described as ‘serene,’ but he definitely had a streak of the Tao running through his heart and mind.
Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity.


Neuroplasticity is a term describing the science/process/study of transforming the mind by changing the brain. That is, training and experience affects the very structure and functions of the brain in the same way that physical exercise and diet affects the structure and functions of the body. Scientists have discovered that the human brain has the ability to change its very structure and function. This can be accomplished by expanding or strengthening circuits in the brain that are often used and by shrinking or weakening those less often engaged. The science of neuroplasticity has amply documented how physical experience and input from the outside world change the workings of the brain. One report says, “In pianists who play many arpeggios, for instance, brain regions that control the index finger and middle finger become fused, apparently because when one finger hits a key in one of these fast-tempo movements, the other does so almost simultaneously, fooling the brain into thinking the two fingers are one. As a result of the fused brain regions, the pianist can no longer move those fingers independently of one another.”
That sounds right. We see occurrences of similar brain fusions all the time. For instance, people who get most of their information and news about the world through one source (say, the fair and balanced reportage of Fox News or a fundamentalist religious orthodoxy) instead of a variety of sources have clearly fused different regions of their brains, believe that what they are told about the world and the world as it is are the same thing and that reality and virtual reality are one. Such fusion may be useful and efficient for piano players, couch potatoes and true believers, but is neither safe nor sane for people for whom arpeggios, virtual reality and zealotry are not the first order of life.
The brain is often described as a computer. This description has a limited value, as the brain is a living organism rather than a machine, and it is constantly in the process of organic (sic) activity and transformation, much like the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. Nature gives us each a brain. How life nurtures that brain is a mixed bag; some of it we control; much of it we do not, beginning with the events and people and experiences of childhood. Neuroplasticity is the study of the ways in which experience changes the brain’s structure and functions, and, therefore, how it processes information and directs the action of what we call the mind. This scientific discipline is in its infancy, and, as with all good science, it is the process of questioning as much as the stasis of certainty that nurtures the mind. Evan Thompson, Ph.D., Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Science and the Embodied Mind at Toronto’s York University, writes: “On the one hand, the assumption that mental processes are brain processes both regulates (or guides) scientific research and constitutes the overall scientific view of the mind. On the other hand, there is still no adequate explanation of how brain activity gives rise to consciousness and of what causal role consciousness may play in the brain’s workings.”
And those studying neuroplasticity (Neuroplasticians?) are beginning to delve into the brain that changes in response to internal, mental signals, not just physical experience and input from the outside world. Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has conducted experiments that suggest mental training can bring the brain to a greater level of consciousness.
And at some level of consciousness (sic), we know this is true. Professor Davidson is the first, so far as I know, to scientifically research, document, and to theorize about the potential of changing the way the human mind works by intentionally altering the structure and function of the brain. Davidson has written, “Our emotional reactions to events and our daily mood form the basis of our personality and color virtually all our behavior. Adult personality is traditionally regarded as relatively fixed and immutable.”
One of Davidson’s more interesting, intriguing and perhaps illuminating experiments involved what is called functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans of Tibetan Buddhist monks. The scans compared the brain activity of novice Buddhist monks with those of Buddhist monks who had meditated some 10,000 hours, all of them practicing “compassion” meditation, generating feeling of loving kindness toward all beings. The scans showed a striking difference between the two groups. The experienced monks showed a dramatic increase in high frequency brain activity called gamma waves during meditation. Novices showed a slight increase in gamma activity. Gamma waves are thought to indicate “neuronal activity that knits together far flung brain circuits,” underlying higher mental activities like consciousness. Davidson says, “…the fact that the monks with the most hours of meditation showed the greatest brain changes gives us confidence that the changes are actually produced by mental training.”
Davidson’s study with Buddhist monks suggests that the brain, just like the body, with the right effort and intention can be deliberately molded, just as weight lifting or aerobics sculpt muscles. If so, then the age old dream of peace on earth and good will toward men is within the realm of every person with a brain.
Such effort and intention begins with each individual person, that is, you and me.